


Reflect on a time when you felt your voice was heard (or not) in a decision-making process; how does that shape your view of democracy?


What does equality mean to you, and how important is it in your vision of a fair society?


If you had the power, what change would you make to ensure all citizens have access to basic services?


Have you or someone you know been impacted by conflict; what steps do you think are vital for reconciliation?








What role do you think the private sector should play in alleviating poverty, and why?




How do you feel about a political party focusing on both social justice and economic growth - can they truly coexist?


Have you ever felt sidelined in society and what did you wish your community or leaders did differently?


Can you share a story where you or someone you know fought for what's right despite challenges?


How important is having your voice heard in community or national decisions to you, and why?


What's one thing you believe every person should have access to, no matter where they live?


In what ways do you think young people can influence political change in their communities?


Why do you think peace and dialogue are important in resolving conflicts, based on your own experiences or knowledge?







