After the 2020 presidential election concluded, Donald J. Trump’s campaign filled over 60 lawsuits contesting Joe Biden’s win. After the cases were struck down by state courts, the Trump campaign pressured several governors to hold recounts. On December 10, 2020, after several successive lawsuits had been dismissed, Trump tweeted, "This is going to escalate dramatically. This is a very dangerous moment in our history...The fact that our country is being stolen. A coup is taking place in front of our eyes, and the public can't take this anymore." On March 31, 2021 the Arizona Senate Republican Caucus hired for firms to audit the presidential ballots in Maricopa County. The results of the re-count are expected to be published in July 2021.
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Yes, but widespread belief in fraud proves that electoral reform is required for sake of clarity and transparency.
In the big cities it was conducted unfairly.
Yes, as unfair as our electoral system is
There was likely quite a bit of voting fraud in the major cities.
Yes, given our current election system
Unknown. With mass mail-in voting due to COVID, there was potentially voter fraud that could not be proven.
No proof of widespread fraud, but it hasn't been properly investigated. The election must be audited to ensure transparency from election officials.
No, in that not all parties were allowed access to the national debates.
No, The DNC cheated Bernie Sanders again in the primary. Also, voter suppression, the electoral college, and a first-past-the-post voting system mean the two corporate parties control the outcome of the election. No election is democratic in a bourgeois dictatorship.
No, fraud was clear, from people covering windows, to not letting in a members of the opposite party to watch for fraud, to using unapproved and vulnerable software, avoiding investigations, agrresive media saying "no evidence" when even a little evidence is some evidence, and forensic analysis of ballots and of what time ballots were submitted. Plus congress voted to approve Biden because of a whitehouse riot, rather than for what they believed was true. The overnight rise in Biden's votes on election night is unprecedented and thus more than suspicious.
Democratic primaries, No. General Election, Yes, as far as we currently know.
No, there where changes to voting procedures and laws that favored one party. In addition widespread censorship of material damaging to or contradicting one side.
Was any election done fairly?
No, because of voter suppression and the lack of a widespread ability to send ballots in
No, there were significant attempts at voter suppression that were detrimental to our democracy.
Yes, but something needs to be done about the news and social media to make it more impartial.
This is a developing investigation that can go either way.
This question is no longer relevant and should be removed
We do not have enough information for this to be properly answered. But I lean towards yes.
It was conducted in accord with the rules at the time, but the rules were bad and should never be used again.
No, there are too many questions about the election that still have not been answered. And, the Democrats seem to be highly against anyone even looking into these questions to even see if they have merit or not. It seems pretty odd to me.
No, no election is truly fair until it is conducted in a digital, fully auditable way. The current system leaves too much room for human error.
On a factual basis, it is impossible for anyone to know the answer to this question
Yes, the conspiracy theories from the republicans are stupid
Biden won, but lax rules or last minute rewriting of rules left too much room for doubt. Voting regulations should be tightened to provide the public with the assurance that elections are fair.
Yes, when investigated, there was no evidence to indicate any sort of voter fraud
Yes, there was no evidence to indicate any sort of voter fraud
Yes, various state recounts have been conducted and there is no evidence to support widespread fraud
Yes, there is no evidence to support widespread fraud
No, but neither has any contest involving one or more privately-funded campaigns
No, media and big tech acted in a partisan manner in an attempt to skew results, + propaganda.
No, Mass Voter Suppression stole votes from the democrats
There was suspicious things occurring but no evidence that it was enough to change the outcome
No, China printed illegal ballots that were clearly unfolded
No, but I do believe that Joe Biden won
Yes, Joe Biden won fair and square.
No, there were plenty of legal issues, including states like Pennsylvania illegally allowing mail-in ballots far after they were allowed to push for it
A fair election is impossible so vote counting should be as public as possible.
No, there was so much voter fraud.
No, because people were threatening others depending on who they voted for.
No, there was too much social media bias and censorship, and the let a candidate with medical issues in office, the election also didn't seem fair at all.
Too many shenanigans going on in the 2020 election if you ask me! And if social media is going to ban me for this, LET THEM! We are being made stronger for this!
No, too many shenanigans going on in the 2020 election and social media bias
Yes, not enough evidence to support widespread fraud. But social media bias and censorship needs to be curved before we give away our freedom of speech for one sided belief and silencing of differencing opinions.
Yes, Bernie Sanders and third parties were unfairly silenced
no the 2020 presidential election was rigged by all the ballots being thrown off the mail trucks and into lakes and under rocks and bridges and with the security having to be 100 meters away from the ballot counters its not fair because they can totally make it so trump had less votes than biden and the people counting were all probally liberals so they were going to definently make sure trump didnt get into office.
Yes, but some states showed possible tampering of ballots and violations of state constitutions
I think there could have definitely been some cheating involved but nothing was found so it cant be proven.
NO! you need some form of ID to vote. And NO mail in ballots
Yes/No, Many theories were made but not many backed by facts, Although we saw many counts of fake voters, no evidence was able to be found to see if it was cheated or not.
No, Joe Biden won by way of voter fraud.
No because while it wasn’t stolen there was still too much fraud.
NO, overuse of 'mail-in ballots' without proper ID is dangerous. Other issues such as dead people on the roles, ballot harvesting (particularly in nursing homes), kicking out election observers, off loading ballots from trucks after voting had closed, etc. have been verified. I know people from both parties that were told they had already voted. We must clean up our elections!
Unknown, but accept the decision.
No, established political parties manipulated the results of their primaries in favor of their preferred candidates, and mass disinformation campaigns deluded voters.
Yes, there will always be voter fraud in our current voting system
In some states it was but not all.
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