Should immigrants be required to learn and speak Spanish?
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Yes, they should know at least some basic English.
Not forced but encouraged.
no, but they have to learn the basics
Regardless, all immigration should be indefinitely halted
Yes, they need English to get a job, if it is required in certain places or for certain things. However, they should not be forced to learn the language and we should provide free English classes for them.
No, it shouldn't be required but it should be highly encouraged and the government should provide cheap language lessons
No, they should have a choice but it should be heavily recommended, seeing as it is our countries main language. Also, the government should provide free English courses for immigrants
No, but it should be encouraged and at least partly funded by the government.
Yes, but the government should not provide free language learning courses
Yes, but choose is theirs'
Yes, but choise is their's
Yes, but choise is theirs.
Yes, but choosing is theirs.
A working knowledge of the English language is important for citizenship but we should not expect immigrants to be fluent in English and should embrace the diversity they offer our society
Immigrants should be required to learn at least one of the official languages of the state they are immigrating to.
No, they will learn on their own to make their lives easier
No, but we as a country should stop catering to those who don't choose to learn English. It is ultimately their choice but we have no obligation to translate.
No, but do not make special arrangements for anyone who has not taken the time to learn
No, but it should be highly encouraged. We should also provide them with free language learning courses so they at least have a basic understanding of the language.
Recommended for their sake of getting around easier, but not required.
Yes, immigrants should learn English, but their native language should not be taken away from them
Yes, if it is required in certain places or for certain things
Yes, and every student in the US should learn Spanish.
Yes, students are required to take a foreign language
No, it shouldn't be required but it should be highly encouraged and the government should provide free language lessons
No, but they should be encouraged to learn English because it is most commonly spoken language in the country.
No, but strongly encourage. Requiring it is against the 1st and 5th Amendments.
No, it shouldn't be required but it should be highly encouraged and the government should provide free language learning courses
No, it should not be required but it should be highly encouraged and the government should provide free language lessons
It would be good for them to learn English, but difficult if not impossible to implement or enforce.
No, but immigrants should be highly encouraged to take English courses
No, English is necessary to survive in the USA so it should be taught as part of the citizenship process but not required.
No, Immigrants should not have to learn English and English speakers shouldn't be forced to learn an immigrants language. However we should provide optional language classes for those who want to learn and we need to invest more in hiring translators and making technology for communication.
No, but the government should incentivize it and provide free language learning courses
as long as they know the basics
No, but provide increased access to English language learning resources
Yes, as English is the primary language of our country, and it helps them succeed and become a citizen
No, however the government can encourage people to learn English by providing free language courses and classes
No, but it should be encouraged, and remove multilingual translations from government documents and services
No, and the government and big businesses should provide free language learning courses
No, and English needs to be decentered as Americans are not English
Maybe make it optional instead of a requirement.
No, but let it be taught to them by choice.
Not required, but highly apreciated if they do.
No, because it should be a choice, not a requirement, and for those who choose to learn English, the government should provide free language learning courses, but personally, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country.
No, immigrants should choose whether they want to learn English OR Not, and for those that do, the government should provide them with free language learning courses, but Personally, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country.
Yes, as long as it's NOT Forced upon them, and the government should provide free language learning courses, but personally, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country.
they should have to take basic English once they are legal but they do not need to be completely fluent
No, but allow businesses to deny hiring or service to those who refuse to learn the language
No, but this is reccomended as it is our country's main langauge
common English yes full English is there choice
No, there is no official language so you cant force them to speak English
Not required but highly recommend learning English.
I don't think it should be required, but there should be free classes for them.
No, but we should encourage them to as well as provide cheap language learning courses.
No, but the government should provide free language learning courses to those who wish to...and it should be encouraged.
No, but English courses/lessons should be made available and affordable and fees/fines should be reduced as an incentive for participating.
No, because the US has no official language and is a nation of many cultures. However, newly naturalized citizens should be given the choice to attend free, easily accessible English classes so they have the opportunity to learn it if they want to, as having a working knowledge of English will allow them to function more easily in the current US climate and therefore to be more effective citizens.
No, but the government should provide free language learning courses if immigrants want to learn it.
No, but we should offer them classes for free if they want to learn English.
No, but they should be heavily encouraged to do so and the government should provide courses for them free of charge.
Only when gaining citizenship; the government should provide free language courses.
Not "required" but heavily encouraged.
No, but it should be highly streamlined, encouraged and free for them to learn English on the process of attaining citizenship or in the years after if their mind changes.
no, but make it recommended, and allow English language learning courses to be free.
Spanish should be a requirement in all United States public education beginning in government-funded non-mandatory preschool through high school graduation.
No. Only if they want to
Yes, because is the main language of the United States.
No, but it should be encouraged as our country's main language.
Encouraged, not required. Speaking the predominant language where you live makes life significantly easier.
No, that would be a violation of Free Speech.
I don't think they should be forced, but rather encouraged. The government should provide free language learning courses
No, but it would make the language barrier smaller.
no, the country should embrace being multilingual like everyone else
No, but it would be helpful to learn at least the basics in English so that they'll have an idea.
No, but inform them that it would be better if they did.
no, it is their choice whether they want to assimilate or not
No, english speakers are not required or expected to know the language of other countries so why should they.
They should have to if they want to have a job in certain types of companies
i feel like it should be recommended
No, but they should be offered and encouraged by the government nonetheless.
They should have a basic understanding of English, but not necessarily fluent.
Yes, but ban all immigration from countries without shared culture.
No, but provide resources to help them if choose so
No, but the government should provide free language learning courses for those that choose to do so.
No, it should be highly sugested/encouraged. We should embrace the diversity.
no, we should embrace the diversity. However it should be highly encouraged.
No, but allow businesses to refuse hiring and serving non-English speakers